Polish me then 2013. I will accept whatever gladness you have to offer.

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?” – Rumi I had an unpleasant New Year’s Eve.  Perhaps it was that I had just fallen back to earth with a resounding “thud” from a happy high of holiday bliss which included delightful time spent with my sweetie and children, and my family and old friends. Perhaps it was […]

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you’re waiting for the light!

It is a hard time of year.  The darkness seems to gather momentum as the solstice looms.  These shorter, colder days amplify challenges for those who are suffering – the mentally ill, the homeless, the unemployed, the grieving, the addicted, the poor, the recovering – in other words, all of us in some way or another. […]